July 25, 2022 3:26 am

Karan Asthana

It was 2AM in night

Where I found myself

Half asleep Listening to a youtube video A Youtube video that doesn’t even interest me

I almost feel like a lightning bolt hit my brainAnd I woke up

Opened my desktop

Uninstall all the games

The games I’ve been playing all day long


To Avoid The work

And it could be you as well!

You could be avoiding the work maybe as well because:

Because something unexpected took place, maybe:


• Your New Product Launch Campaigned Failed Miserably,even if you gave your best.

• The Old way of getting the business is not letting you get the leads anymore for the months

• You’re expecting a baby & While you’re happy and you show that to the people as well but deep down you’re scared if you will be able to keep your business sustainable in order to give him or her an amazing life.

• You decided to quit your job to follow your calling but you realised that you’re not gonna make money overnight & now working each day is dreadful

regardless whatever happened

You’ve end up yourself into the ‘Loser Zone’

A mental place where you can’t help yourself but to see yourself as a failure.

• You have lost the love for your work

• You see these ‘dumb kids’ on the internet

Just because you’re not able succeed latelyit doesn’t means that you’ve earned a permanent badge of loser.

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